
Share The Road
While running down the sidewalk and pushing the BOB stroller with my 3 year old, I started running through a crosswalk while I had the right-of-way, and a car not only almost hit me, but the driver also started yelling at me. If you are a runner or cyclist I am sure you have a

A year ago I was riding my bike on the trainer and watching Phil Keoghan’s documentary, “The Ride”, where he biked across the country on his 40th birthday. I knew then, just turning 39, that I wanted to do something really big for my 40th birthday. It is still a little hard to believe that
To persevere, Webster’s defines this as: “to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.” As endurance athletes we hear these words often, “persevere”, “go the extra mile,” and “keep your eye on the prize.” They are the words and phrases that help

Triathlon – It Is No Joke!
Sometimes even the best athletes get a little complacent. When your day in and day out routine consists of swimming, biking and running, you can become overconfident and even forget your short term goals. This seems more prevalent when training for a longer distance triathlon. When you have a shorter distance or a “B” race,

Leap of Faith
Sometimes it takes being pushed off the cliff to make the hard, and sometimes scariest, decisions. I had never considered starting my own business and didn’t think I had the entrepreneurial skills to be successful. However, three years ago, the company I worked for, Lifestyle Family Fitness, was bought out by L.A. Fitness. We were
Proud But Not Too Proud
Most people who know me, know I am slightly competitive. Even the smallest chores in life become a competition to me. So when I see that same competitive drive in an athlete, I thrive on it and push them to their limits. I want to see what they are fully capable of and how far